Manifest A Better Life With God: Use Your Inherent God Nature, Which Includes Law of Attraction
Do you ever get tired and frustrated when some things in life don’t work out but other things do? Or when some prayers seem to get answered but not others? Do you have a desire to be masterful at manifesting with the Divine? I do.
“Manifest a Better Life with God is like Neale Donald Walsch (Conversations with God) meets Ernest Holmes (The Science of Mind). It’s the kind of book you’ll read several times and take a new lesson from it each time. Brilliant work!”
This heartfelt story about God as Consciousness helps answer these questions as God and the author chat, travel, and explore:
- God as Consciousness expressing as all things, including you. Your worth and value are immense.
- The need to shift Consciousness instead of conditions. You are God Consciousness itself and that is all there is to deal with.
- Manifesting with God Consciousness on purpose. Your focus and feelings as Divine Consciousness are key!
- Reasons why we don’t manifest what we want and what to do about it.
“Not since reading The Shack by William Paul Young have I been so moved by a book that makes God feel so real and approachable-- showing me how to tap into his loving presence.” —Trina
Manifest A Better Life With God
Use Your Inherent God Nature, Which Includes Law of Attraction
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Divine Dirt: Inspirations, Spiritual Teachings, & Gardening Tips!
Do you ever need help remembering your True Divine Nature? Your worth and value?
How to be the Divine Masterful Manifester of your life that you already are?
I know that I need daily reminders. Maybe you do too?
Remembering who you really are can actually happen pretty quick. You found your keys, didn’t you? You started to freak out, but then you paused, went within for a moment, and then had that 'ah ha' moment and remembered.
“Divine Dirt shows you how to leverage the laws nature and influence what’s happening around you. I have read this book twice and plan on gifting it for the holidays. It is an exceptional read in every way!” —Anne Bruce, Bestselling McGraw Hill Author, Discover True North and Be Your Own Mentor
This is what Divine Dirt is for. It is to help you:
- Pause for a moment, take a breath, get centered, have an 'ah ha' moment, and feel inspired again.
- Remember your immense worth, value, Divine nature and your continuous connectedness to the Divine.
- Remember tips and nuances about how to be the Divine Masterful Manifester of your life that you already are.
- Learn a few gardening tips too! Words and images have an incredible power to heal, inspire, uplift, and remind us of things we need to hear which can help us have a better moment, a better life.
- Divine Dirt is filled with both. It is a collection of inspirations, metaphysical-spiritual stories and teachings I wrote over time combined with photographs of flowers that I took from my garden. And if you love the flowers, I share a few gardening tips too!
To make it easy, Divine Dirt isn’t meant to be read from start to finish. (Although you can, of course!)
The main idea is for you to simply take a breath, sense where to open the book, open it, read a story or message or two, take in the beauty of the image, return to your day, come back to Divine Dirt at another time, and repeat the process.
“A wonderful collection of inspirational thoughts, beautiful flowers and practical gardening tips. Michael guides us to look inside and find the spirit within to help manifest abundance in our lives.” —Diane

Divine Dirt Digging Deeper: Align with the Divine and Manifest Your Dreams
“Digging Deeper is powerful. Michael LeBlanc outlines how we can turn to our ‘Divine Self’ in order to grow and manifest positive outcomes in our life. He explains how we must hold our thoughts captive by changing our inner self-talk to reflect our dreams fulfilled. Michael not only explains these concepts and many more, but he gives practical tools and tips to implement them in our lives. The Digging Deeper exercises bring so much added value. This book will empower you to grow personally and professionally.” —Jose Escobar, Founder & CEO of The Entrepreneur's Bookshelf and Connected Leaders Academy
Are you ready to go deeper, further align with your Divine Self and Divine Intelligence, further understand your “Oneness” with Divine Intelligence and more clearly know how to leverage the power that creates worlds to manifest and live your best life?
Then do the same thing I asked the woman in introduction to do: “Hold the book, breathe into your heart center, think about your life, open it, and take in what it says.”
And with Digging Deeper, I also add, “After your read and absorb the message, pause for a moment and use the contemplation to reflect within yourself and go deeper!”
You are significant beyond your knowing, but dare to know.
Peace, Michael
“I love the Digging Deeper contemplations! You and The Divine Are One hit me in a way that moved me to tears in the best possible way. Thank you, Michael, for helping us get in touch with The Divine that is in every one of us.” —Phyllis Jask, Editorial Director and Owner, Commas & Creativity
Divine Dirt:
Digging Deeper
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The Abundance Factor: How To Tap Into The Unlimited Abundance Of The Universe And Have Anything You've Always Wanted
by Joe Vitale, Co-Authored by Michael LeBlanc
What does an abundant life look like? Is it infinite wealth or perfect health? Is it the ability to live freely and do what you love every day of your life? Is it a strong connection to your spiritual self and a life of faith? Is it a life of love and laughter? Or is it a combination? In the groundbreaking book, The Abundance Factor, more than 40 authors from around the world join bestselling author and renowned Law of Attraction expert, Joe Vitale, to share their secrets of abundance. Personal stories, stories of rags to riches, and stories of deep personal growth fill the pages of this life changing book.
Get your personalized and signed copy by Michael.
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